Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español

Este Mod pasó a llamarse: Heridas supurantes

Última edición, 27-08-2019 por JARVIII

Heridas sangrientas is an uncommon Melee mod that increases probabilidad de estado as the Melee Combo Counter increases.


Rango Probabilidad de estado Coste de capacidad
0 +7.5% 4
1 +15% 5
2 +22.5% 6
3 +30% 7
4 +37.5% 8
5 +45% 9


  • Does not increase status chance without an active Combo Counter.
  • Unlike dual stat mods (like e.g. Castigo virulento), Weeping Wounds can increase status chance without introducing a new damage type into the mix.
    • This is especially useful for weapons that deal mostly Cortante n Cortante, Toxina n Toxina or Gas n Gas damage, because those effects can be stacked onto an enemy multiple times unlike many other status effects like Calor n Calor which only refresh their duration with repeated procs.
  • Weeping Wounds can often be significantly more powerful than a single dual stat mod in increasing pure status chance, if Conteo de bajas or Contacto a la deriva is used in conjunction.
  • While at 2.0x Combo Counter, can be stacked with Filo volcánico, Golpe voltaico, Escarcha atroz, and Castigo virulento, and Contacto a la deriva for a 722% increase in status chance. On weapons with at least 15% base status chance, this allows them to achieve a total value of 100%, allowing every strike to inflict procs.
  • Weeping Wounds does not work with Warframe ability weapons, which include Espada exaltada, Histeria, y Furia Primitiva.


The formula for calculating the increased status chance reached by the mod is as follows:

Status Chance = Modded Status Chance × (1 + Weeping Wounds Multiplier × Combo Multiplier)

For example, a weapon with 20% base status chance, modded with maxed Contacto a la deriva (+40%) and Weeping Wounds, and with a Combo Counter of 2.5x would reach 0.20 × 1.4 × (1 + 0.45 × 2.5) = 59.5% chance to proc.

Weeping Wounds/Stat Calculation

Weeping Wounds/Stat Calculation/Equation

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